Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi, Sheva/Kaka, Sheva/Micha Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi, hints of Agger/Finnan Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi, hints of Agger/Finnan Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
So I got a thousand gazillion things to say and because I'm a disorganised person, this is gonna sound and look pretty disorganised too
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Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): Stevie/Xabi Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.
Title: Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Rating: PG Pairing(s): In this chapter... Stevie/Xabi, hints of Agger/Finnan Disclaimer: This is fiction! Not true! However much I wish, I don't own the players or Hotel Dusk.